Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thinking is a dying discipline in a society that throbs with activity. How many blessings have I robbed myself of in life for not pausing to think?
Into this rushing lifestyle have come theories on meditation telling us how to think on nothing until we realise we are divine inside. The Bible does not tell us to empty our minds and think nothing but to exercise the minds God has given us to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy (Phi 4:8) and to meditate on His law (Ps 119:97), and "to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).
Unless we learn to think and reflect on things above we will reflect the hollowness of a world moving fast but slow to think... at the end of the day if you have spoken but not listened, you have spent without income and sooner or later an expenditure of words without an income of ideas will lead to conceptual bankruptcy. Wonder enriches you when you take the time to reflect and to ponder the greatness of our faith in Jesus Christ.
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For you, gotta invite Jesus to converse with you in your thoughts. Allow the Holy Spirit time and space to speak. Jas 1 - ask for wisdom and let the thoughts happen to you. Reflection with the Holy Spirit is different from zuanniujiaojian. Strive to do the former not the latter.
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